Precious Metals

Precious metals are metals that can be mined or that occur rarely. They are called precious metals because they occur less frequently than other metals and are therefore of a higher value. The value of these metals can change over time - generally if they become more widely available.

Historically, for example, aluminium was considered to be a valuable precious metal that was worth more than gold and the other metals that we now consider to be precious. This was based on the fact that it was hard to mine. But, when processes were established that made aluminium mining simpler and more effective its value as a precious metal virtually disappeared.

Precious metals include:

In the past precious metals were often used as a form of currency and, of course, gold and silver bullion still is to a certain extent and these commodities as a whole are used for investment purposes nowadays. Now they are also most often used in a variety of processes such as in jewellery making, coin making and industrial and commercial processes. The actual value of a precious metal still depends on how accessible it is and how much can be brought to market at any given time.